CDA to acquire land to construct small dam

ISLAMABAD: The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has decided to construct a small dam in the upper area of Simly Dam, for which the Punjab government will be requested to provide the land, announced Water Management Department’s Deputy Director General (DDG) Sardar Khan Zimri.

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The decision was taken in a meeting held to discuss water-related projects. The attendees were asked to pursue the project after a meeting was held to explore alternate options to add around 30 million gallons daily (MGD) to overcome the existing water shortage. 

Deputy Director while speaking on the occasion informed that the dam will be completed within two years after the completion of paperwork and requirements.

He was also of the view that the dam will be used to harvest rainwater and it will help to meet the water shortage in the city by supplying 20mgd daily.

In the meeting, Ghazi Barotha project also came under discussion as it will provide the twin cities with 100 million gallons of water supply on a daily basis.


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