Chairman RDA reviews progress of ongoing projects

RAWALPINDI: Chairing a meeting of the Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA), Chairman RDA Tariq Mehmood Murtaza reviewed the progress of the ongoing projects.

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Members of the Administration and Finance Directorate, Metropolitan Planning and Traffic Engineering Directorate, Land Development Directorate, State Management Directorate and Engineering Directorate RDA were among the attendees of the meeting.

A detailed briefing on RDA’s vacant land was given by the Director Estate Management, along with transfer cases in RDA’s own properties, RIT (old) Schemes, verification and clearance of residential and commercial buildings were discussed.

The relevant officials further discussed the use of vacant land and were directed to finalise plans as soon as possible.

In addition, the MP&TE Directorate was directed to carry out the crackdown against all illegal encroachments.

Along with campaigning about the Building and Zoning Regulations 2020 and illegal housing schemes, the members of the meeting were directed to timely resolve all public queries as well.


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