Islamabad’s Development Surge: What to Expect

Federal Interior Minister Orders CDA To Acceleration Islamabad’s Development

Despite CDA’s celebrated reputation, the Federal Interior Minister highlights inconsistencies hindering progress in Islamabad’s development. With a new promise to address these issues and accelerate progress, what can the capital residents expect in the coming months? 

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In this piece, offers a peek into Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi’s vision of progress in Islamabad. Additionally, we will explore the effectiveness of this vision in advancing the capital’s development and enhancing its overall reputation. 


The Capital Development Authority and Islamabad’s Infrastructure Struggles


Development in Islamabad accelerates

Islamabad, Pakistan’s modern marvel, has meticulously planned avenues and designated sectors for residences and businesses. The Capital Development Authority (CDA) is the mastermind behind this architectural feat. As the prime mover of Islamabad’s development, CDA oversees everything from the construction of busy highways to the allocation of land for your dream home. 


Development Delays in Certain Sectors

However, Islamabad’s development narrative isn’t without its hiccups. While the CDA has delivered on numerous projects, propelling the city forward, some sectors present a contrasting picture. 


Hinderance in development of Islamabad

Here, entire areas have been frozen in time for over two decades. Residents who invested in plots with aspirations of building their lives there now find themselves waiting in exasperation. Plots remain undeveloped; dreams remain unrealized.

Here’s a look into areas that show signs of delayed development in Islamabad:

Sectors originally planned in the 1980s and 1990s

These sectors, often located on the outskirts of Islamabad, were allocated plots decades ago but remain largely undeveloped. Examples might include sectors like I-12, I-13, or I-14.


Sectors lacking basic infrastructure


Grey Structures In Islamabad

Even in some developed sectors, essential infrastructure projects like proper sewage systems, paved roads, or electricity grids might be incomplete or entirely absent. This can significantly hinder the liveability of these areas.


Sectors facing legal disputes or ownership issues

Delays can also arise due to legal complications or unclear land ownership within a sector. This can stall development projects while residents wait for resolutions.


Sectors with stalled commercial development


Sectors with stalled commercial development

Some sectors might have seen some residential development but lack essential commercial areas like shopping centres, banks, or hospitals. This inconveniences residents who have to travel to other areas for daily needs.

This issue recently came to light during Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi’s visit to the CDA headquarters. Imagine Minister Naqvi championing progress and bringing these stagnant sectors back into focus.  

His message was clear and direct: these stalled projects needed immediate attention. It was a call to action, urging the CDA to address the plight of these neglected areas and get Islamabad’s development story back on track.


Development in Islamabad: Plans for Accelerated Progress


Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi’s recent visit to the CDA marked a turning point in addressing Islamabad’s development delays. His clear directives outline a multi-pronged approach to accelerate progress and tackle long-standing issues. Let’s delve deeper into the proposed resolutions and their potential benefits:


Land Allocation and Plot Issuance

One of the most pressing concerns regarding development in Islamabad is the issue of undeveloped sectors with residents waiting for their plots. A proposed solution to this problem is to provide plots to those who have already paid the dues. 

This will not only address residents’ grievances but also tap into the potential of these stagnant sectors. Developed residential areas contribute to the city’s economic growth by attracting new residents and businesses.


Digitisation of Land Records


Digitising Land Records

Minister Naqvi’s call for digitising Islamabad’s real estate records within six months signifies a critical step towards improving transparency and efficiency within the CDA. A digital land record system offers numerous benefits:

  • Reduced Disputes: Clear and readily available digital records can minimize land ownership disputes and legal complexities. This will expedite the development of projects currently stalled due to such issues.
  • Enhanced Transparency: A digital system fosters greater land allocation and management transparency. Residents and businesses can easily access information about land ownership and development plans.
  • Improved Efficiency: Digital records eliminate the need for manual searches and paperwork, streamlining the entire land allocation process within the CDA.


Prioritizing Recreational Sites

The Minister’s emphasis on completing the work on creating cycling and walking tracks on green belts highlights the importance of promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for Islamabad’s residents. 

These tracks will enhance the usability of green spaces and encourage residents to embrace eco-friendly modes of transportation. This can contribute to reducing traffic congestion and air pollution in the city.


Establishing a High-Speed One-Window System


Islamabad to make even better progress

The proposed high-speed one-window system within the CDA aims to simplify and expedite the process of obtaining approvals for development projects. This system will likely function as a single point of contact for all necessary approvals, streamlining communication and reducing bureaucratic hurdles. Benefits include:

  • Reduced Delays: A one-window system can significantly decrease project delays by eliminating the need to navigate various departments within the CDA for approvals.
  • Enhanced Convenience: Businesses and individuals can submit applications and receive approvals more easily and efficiently.
  • Increased Integrity: A streamlined system fosters greater transparency in the approval process, ensuring a clear and fair system for all project proposals.

Overall, Minister Naqvi’s proposed resolutions offer a roadmap for accelerated progress in Islamabad’s development. By addressing these concerns, CDA can potentially improve the quality of life for its residents.


Wrapping Up

With these directives, the CDA has a clear roadmap to promote Islamabad’s development.  The capital’s residents can look forward to faster development, improved land management processes, and a more citizen-friendly CDA.  Could this start a nationwide push for effective development processes and citizen-centric services?  Only time will tell, but Islamabad’s CDA is certainly taking a step in the right direction.


Frequently Asked Questions

Take a look at what most people ask about Islamabad’s development.


How developed is Islamabad?

Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, sits in the country’s northern part on the Pothohar Plateau. Established within the Islamabad Capital Territory, this meticulously planned city is divided into designated zones and sectors. In 2020, Islamabad achieved a noteworthy ranking as a Gamma+ world city.


What is Islamabad famous for?

Aside from its beautiful peaks, the city is brimming with historical and architectural treasures. Some examples are Shakarparain, Faisal Mosque, Margalla Hills National Park, The Monument, and Democracy Square. 


What is Islamabad’s master plan?

Islamabad features a unique layout that was planned by architect Doxiadis. The city is divided into 84 sectors using a grid system with blocks measuring 2 kilometres by 2 kilometres. This grid is further complemented by a “natural grid” formed by the ravines that flow through the city’s landscape.


What is the digitization of land records?

The CDA is launching a new online system that will provide a computerized record of land ownership and development plans across the city. This user-friendly platform offers several benefits:

  • Convenience: Easily access and verify land information from the comfort of your home.
  • Efficiency: Make land-related payments online, eliminating the need for time-consuming in-person transactions.
  • Transparency: The system helps reduce fraud risk and promotes transparency in urban land management.

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