Things to Consider before Hiring a Contractor

Construction is a complex process, particularly for those who have no know-how of the field and have to go through this tiring experience because they have to construct a home once in their lifetime. This statement reflects the reality of those people who spend their life savings in achieving a lifestyle that they have craved for years. From initiation to the completion of the work, an owner has to review architects, developers, and contractors who can turn aspirations into reality.

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It has been observed that most of the people owing to the lack of experience and information hire the services of contractors who have minimal expertise in the field and manipulate the clients. Whereas other people take a hasty decision to hire the services of the contractors without inquiring about the market. highlights some significant points which must be kept in mind before hiring a contractor for the construction of a house.


Inquire the Market

The first and foremost thing to do is to in all matters related to real estate is inquiring the market. It helps you understand where you stand and how to plan your next move.

Most of the people before hiring the services of the contractor traverse through this step however, sometimes people tend to hire the contractors based on personal relations which often lands them in the wrong place. 

Therefore, inquiry about the market is a vital step that can give the idea about market rates along with the inputs used in the construction.


Inspect the Projects

Once the market has been inquired and a contractor jotted down, the next step is to inspect and review the real estate projects completed by the contractor or are in progress. It is advised that projects in different phases should be viewed – from start to beginning since it will give an accurate picture of the expertise of the contractor ranging from the grey structure to the final project. In other words, inspecting a project when it is in the phase of ‘chunai’, grey structure, and the final stages.

Mode of Work

Proceeding with the scrutinising procedure, the next thing to keep in mind is inquiring about the mode of work. This is one of the most important aspects of the selection procedure since, at this point, an owner of the house will get a rough estimate about the finances that will incur on the construction.

Some contractors only give the estimate of the labour cost (per square feet) in which inputs including sands, crush, bricks, cement, and steel have to be purchased by the owner of the land. In this method, one should keep in mind that the prices may vary due to the increase in the prices of input which will be borne by the owner of the land. The cost of the electrician and plumber will be separate from the labour cost.

Similarly, some contractors like to give a lump sum amount (per square feet) of the whole project in which most of the headache is taken by the contractor or developer. In this method, an owner of the land does not have to care about the inputs since the material has to be purchased by the contractor himself (depending on the category as agreed upon in the agreement), and the owner has to pay the cost per sq. ft. 

One thing important to inquire about and to be discussed with the contractor is the quality of material that the contractor is going to use.



Again one of the important things to consider is the implementation. This is a common occurrence during construction that contractors are unable to understand the complexities of the designs provided by architects. Similarly, the implementation of structural and MEP designs sometimes becomes difficult for the contractors since they are not acquainted with modern methods. Moreover, complex elevation designs -an important feature of aesthetics can be compromised if the contractor has no know-how of modern designs. Architects and contractors roles in the construction and remodelling of the house are different. Therefore, questions regarding the implementation of lay-outs should be asked during the inspection of the project.



Last but not the least, securing the whole procedure through legal framework and documentation is the foremost aspect once the contractor is identified. The paperwork should cover all the aspects including the prices as negotiated. All the major aspects of the construction should be brought in written form including the names, prices, and the phase which is going to be developed by the contractor. A benefit of bringing everything on the paperwork is the convenience of designing the framework of finances and holding the contractor accountable.

Similarly, the mode of payment should also be decided in the paperwork. Mode of payment can pertain to the payment in instalments as agreed by the parties

Ask for 3D visuals

If you want to know what a property will look like before the completion of the project, do ask the contractor about the 3D visuals of the building. The 3D visuals will bring flexibility by suggesting changes in the design before the initiation of the construction.





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